La dulce Erika

La dulce Erika

Llegó el sábado en un estado horrible. La leishmania ha atacado terriblemente su aspecto físico y tiene alopecias por todo su cuerpo, las uñas larguísimas y es además positiva a anaplasma. Es una chica guapísima, y en cuanto a su carácter, es super dulce,y cariñosa🥰 Ya hemos comenzado el tratamiento adecuado para recuperarla y que se ponga aún más guapa! Estamos seguros de que muy pronto encontraremos a una familia para ella…

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🇬🇧 Sweet Erika

She arrived on Saturday in a horrible state. The leishmania has attacked her physical appearance terribly and she has alopecia all over her body, her nails are very long and she is also positive for anaplasma. She is a beautiful girl, and as for her character, she is very sweet and affectionate🥰 We have already started the appropriate treatment to recover her and make her even more beautiful! We are sure that very soon we will find a family for her….

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