Hace tiempo que no os contamos nada de nuestra preciosa Amapola, sin embargo hay mucho que contar!
Se ha recuperado super bien de la severa malnutricion con la que llego, y ahora, Amapola alcanza ya los 20 kilos de peso!! Su patitta sin embargo, va a llevarle algo mas de tiempo… Evoluciona bien, pero su evolucion esta siendo algo lenta. No es algo que nos preocupe, el tiempo que este con nosotros seguira siendo igual de mimada que siempre!
Ayudanos a recuperar a Amapola,
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It’s been a while since we told you anything about our beautiful Amapola, however there is a lot to tell!
She has recovered very well from the severe malnutrition with which she arrived, and now, Amapola has already weighed 20 kilos!! Her paw, however, is going to take her a little more time… She is evolving well, but her evolution is being somewhat slow. It is not something that worries us, the time that she is with us will continue to be as pampered as ever!
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