Es increíble lo agradecido que es a pesar de todo… Y nos hace recordar cuánto tenemos que aprender de ellos..
Es cariñoso, adora el contacto con nosotros y nuestras caricias, se pone feliz con solo vernos, y nunca deja de movernos su rabito.
Bocelli es puro amor, y por eso mismo nos cuesta aun mas asimilar que alguien lo abandonara a su suerte en tan horrible estado.
Pero eso ya forma parte del pasado, y todo lo que un día le negaron, se lo estamos devolviendo con creces.
Aun estamos esperando los resultados de algunas pruebas que le hicimos, y en cuanto las tengamos le prondremos el tratamiento necesario para que se recupere y mejore cuanto antes.
¿Te gustaría ayudar a Bocelli?
• Donar la cantidad que quieras para ayudarlo:
• Colaborar con tan sólo 1€ al mes:
• Si no puedes ayudar economicamente: COMPARTE!
It’s amazing how grateful they are despite everything … And it reminds us how much we have to learn from them.
He is affectionate, he adores the contact with us and our caresses, he is happy just to see us, and he never stops wagging his tail.
Bocelli is pure love, and that is why it is even more difficult for us to assimilate that someone abandoned him to his fate in such a horrible state.
But that is already part of the past, and everything that was denied one day, we are giving back in spades.
We are still waiting for the results of some tests that we did, and as soon as we have them we will give you the necessary treatment so that you recover and improve as soon as possible.
Would you like to help Bocelli?
• Donate the amount you want to help him:
• Collaborate with only € 1 per month:
• If you can’t help financially: SHARE!

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