Actualización Coloso
Hoy hemos acompañado a Coloso durante una de sus curas diarias. Nuestra compañera Chica lo hace cada dia. Limpia y desinfecta todas su heridas, y después le aplica una crema antibiótica que le ayuda además a hidratar su piel, ya que debido a las quemaduras, Coloso apenas tiene pelo en gran parte de su cuerpo. Sus patitas traseras tiene mejor aspecto y ya estan algo menos hinchadas. Y tendriais que ver lo bien que se porta durante las curas, es un chico super bueno! Después ha estado un rato en los patios y se ha tumbado a descansar. Está empezando a descubrir las caricias y parece que le gusta.
Estamos encantados con él
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Coloso update
Today we have accompanied Coloso during one of his daily cures. Our colleage Chica does it every day. She cleans and disinfects all his wounds, and then she applies an antibiotic cream that also helps to hydrate his skin, since due to burns, Coloso barely has hair on much of his body. Their hind legs look better and are already somewhat less swollen. And you would have to see how well he behaves during the cures, he is a super good boy! Then he has been in the courtyard for a while and has laid down to rest. He is beginning to discover caresses and seems to like it.
We are delighted with him
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