Astrid sigue grave. De ayer a hoy, los veterinarios han observado que ha empeorado. Sigue con mucho dolor y parece que puede tener daño neurológico. Su cuello y su abdomen se han hinchado y siente dolor al tacto. Apenas come ni bebe…
A lo largo del día de hoy le seguiremos realizando pruebas…
Vamos pequeña, lo vas a lograr!
Ayúdanos a salvar su vida,
Astrid is still in serious condition. From yesterday to today, vets have observed that it has gotten worse. She is still in a lot of pain and it looks like she may have neuronal damage. Her neck and abdomen are swollen and you are sore to the touch. She barely eats or drinks …
Throughout today we will continue to carry out tests …
Come on girly, you’re going to get it!
Help us save her life,

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