Os contamos los avances de nuestro peque. Goofy va mejorando poco a poco, lento pero seguro. En hospital se encuentra cada día mas confiado con sus compañeros, sale de su jaula, explora, empieza a interactuar con sus compañeros y ya lo hemos visto jugando con algunos de ellos. Con nosotros, la evolución es algo mas lenta. Sigue evitando el contacto con nosotros, pero cuando establecemos ese contacto, lo tolera mucho mejor y esta mas relajado. Paseamos cada día con él, lo traemos a la oficina y le damos comida rica como refuerzo positivo. Y ya ayer salió por primer vez de su jaula en la oficina para explorar el entorno!! Pequeños, pero grandes avances
Poco a poco pequeño, juntos vamos a lograrlo!
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We tell you the progress of our little one. Goofy is improving little by little, slowly but surely. In the hospital he finds himself more confident with his companions, he comes out of his cage, explores, begins to interact with his companions and we have already seen him playing with some of them. With us, evolution is somewhat slower. He continues to avoid contact with us, but when we establish that contact, he tolerates it much better and is more relaxed. We walk with him every day, bring him to the office and give him delicious food as positive reinforcement. And yesterday he left his cage in the office for the first time to explore the environment! Small, but great advances
Little by little little, together we will achieve it!
Can you help us get Goofy back with just € 1 a month?
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