Por fin nuestra pequeña Judith está de vuelta con nosotros. Ha sido operada de una fractura en su columna y también de otra fractura en su codo. Se encuentra estable y además la hemos visto bastante animada. Nuestra veterinaria ha estado dándole comida que ha comido con bastante apetito y se ha mostrado curiosa pendiente de todo lo que pasaba a su alrededor. A diferencia de cuando llegó que permanecía todo el tiempo inmóvil, hoy la hemos visto muy bien y realizando pequeños movimientos sin apenas dolor. Hoy además hemos podido ver sin dificultad esa preciosa carita que tiene y de nuevo, hemos sentido un flechazo…
Ahora le queda un largo camino. ¿Nos ayudas a recuperar a Judith?
Finally our little Judith is back with us. She has been operated on for a fracture in her spine and also for another fracture in her elbow. She is stable and we have also seen it quite animated. Our vet has been giving her food that she has eaten with a good appetite and she has not stopped being aware of everything that was happening around her. Unlike when she arrived that she remained immobile all the time, today we have seen her very well and moving with little pain. Today we have finally been able to see without difficulty that precious little face that she has and again, we have felt a crush …
Now she has a long way to go. Can you help us to recover Judith ?

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