Nuestro pequeño se encuentra muy apático. Ha bebido mucho, pero la comida no ha querido probarla. Está tristón, y nos apena mucho verlo así
Ayer le pusimos un drenaje en la herida, y aún sigue sangrando bastante…
Tiene tratamiento para la infección y para el dolor y le hemos preparado una camita muy mullidita para que pueda descansar bien.
Hemos aprovechado para estar un largo rato con el acompañándolo y dándole muchos mimos. Tenemos que hacerle ver que su felicidad está a la vuelta de la esquina…
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Our little boy is very listless. He has drunk a lot, but the food has not wanted to taste it. He is sad, and we are very sorry to see him like this
Yesterday we put a drain on his wound, and he’s still bleeding quite a bit …
He has treatment for the infection and pain and we have prepared a very soft bed for him so that he can rest well.
We have taken the opportunity to spend a long time with him, accompanying him and giving him lots of pampering. We have to make him see that his happiness is just around the corner …
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