Rescatado del «vertedero de los horrores» donde fue abandonado para morir. Su ojo estaba en tal mal estado que nada pudimos hace por recuperarlo. Nuestros veterinarios decidieron quitarlo y aliviarle el dolor que le causaba. Ha perdido un ojo, pero ha ganado una nueva vida. Lejos de la indiferencia, lejos del dolor, y lejos del pasado que nunca debio tener. Cuidados, mimos, y mucho mucho amor es su nuevo presente. Su vida ha dado un giro de 180 grados, y aun le queda lo mejor…
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Rescued from the «dump of horrors» where he was left to die. His eye was in such bad shape that we could do nothing to get it back. Our vets decided to remove it and ease the pain it was causing. He has lost an eye, but he has gained a new life. Away from indifference, away from pain, and away from the past that should never have had. Care, pampering, and much much love is her new present. His life has taken a 180 degree turn, and he still has the best …
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