Sois muchos los que os habéis preocupado por ella y no nos extraña. Apenas se sostenía en pie cuando llegó debido a su lamentable estado…
Os contamos que nuestra pequeña come con bastante apetito pero aún sigue siendo un saquito de huesos…Es una chica dulce, tranquila y cariñosa. Cariñosa a pesar de todo…Cuanto tenemos que aprender de ellos! Y que rabia que aún no exista tregua para estos seres tan maravillosos…
Seguimos en la lucha.
Por Sol y por todos.
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We know that there are many of you who have worried about her and we are not surprised. She was barely standing when she arrived due to her sorry state …
Now we tell you that our little girl eats with a lot of appetite but she is still a bag of bones… She is a sweet, calm and affectionate girl. She is affectionate despite everything … How much do we have to learn from them! And what a rage that there is still no truce for these wonderful beings …
We continue in the fight.
For Sun and for everyone.
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• Join us to our teaming group for ONLY €1 PER MONTH: