Adiós Octavio…

Querido Octavio,
Han pasado casi 5 meses desde que llegaste y vimos horrorizados el estado en el que estabas. No dudamos ningún momento en que saldrías adelante y nos pusimos manos a la obra. Nuestro equipo médico ha pasado horas curando tus heridas, y dándote cariño y amor, al igual que el resto del equipo. Al principio agachabas tu cabeza, y preferías estar en soledad. Ayer, nuestro ultimo día junto a ti, te vimos correr por el patio con tus compañeros, venir a nosotros para pillar chuches, y como despedida, te mimamos mas que nunca! Pillaste un super hueso, mas chuches que nadie y pasamos horas acariciando tu cuerpo ya completamente curado, con pelo, y del suavito!☺️ Parece que también hemos curado tu alma, ya que tu mirada reflejaba agradecimiento por todos los mimos de ayer y los de estos meses atrás … Has sido un ángel para nosotros y para muchas de las personas que se han preocupado por ti día tras día. Has tocado muchos corazones y eso no lo olvidaremos nunca …
Ya todos conocemos tu pasado, pero hoy queremos recordarte con estas fotos de tus momentos mas felices con nosotros, porque así es como te recordaremos: corriendo feliz por el patio con tus compañeros, durmiendo al solito, acercándote poco a poco a nosotros…
En Finlandia hace frio, abrígate bien, y si lo necesitas, recuerda todo el calor que te dimos para reconfortarte. Se muy feliz pequeño, te echaremos enormemente de menos…
🇬🇧 Goodbye Octavio … ❤️
Dear Octavio,
It has been almost 5 months since you arrived and we were horrified at the state you were in. We did not doubt at any time that you would get ahead and we got down to work. Our medical team has spent hours healing your wounds, and giving you affection and love, just like the rest of the team. At first you hung your head, and preferred to be alone. Yesterday, our last day with you, we saw you running through the yard with your companions, coming to us to catch sweets, and as a farewell, we pamper you more than ever! You caught a super bone, more sweets than anyone and we spent hours caressing your already completely healed body, with hair, and soft! ☺️ It seems that we have also healed your soul, since your look reflected gratitude for all the pampering of yesterday and those of these months ago … You have been an angel to us and to many of the people who have worried for you day after day. You have touched many hearts and we will never forget that …
We all already know your past, but today we want to remind you with these photos of your happiest moments with us, because this is how we will remember you: running happily through the yard with your companions, sleeping under the sun, getting closer to us little by little …
In Finland it is cold, bundle up well, and if you need it, remember all the warmth we gave you to comfort you. Be very happy little boy, we will miss you deeply …

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