Adopta al abuelito Albus
Queremos presentarte a este perrito, se llama Albus y ha sido abandonado al final de una vida que suponemos habrá sido dura. Tiene alrededor de 10 años y nos apena que no encontremos familia que le haga disfrutar de una vejez rodeado de personas que lo quieran y le den todo el cariño que se merece. Es un perrito muy cariñoso y muy bueno con las personas. ¿Te gustaría darle una oportunidad a Albus? Rellena el formulario de adopción y danos una alegría!
Adopta a Albus:
• Si quieres ayudarnos económicamente:
Iban Es52 2038 9897 106000079077 Bic: Cahmesmmxxx
Concepto: Salvar vidas
• apadrina:
• Hazte socio:
• Por Tan Solo 1 € AL MES:
Adopt Albus grandpa
We want to introduce you to this doggie, his name is Albus and he has been abandoned at the end of a life that we assume it has been tough. He is about 10 years old and we are sorry that we are not able to find a family that makes him enjoy old age surrounded by people who love him and give him all the love he deserves. He is a very affectionate puppy and very good with people. Would you like to give Albus a chance? Fill out the adoption form to make us very happy!
You could also help us
If you want to help us financially:
Iban Es52 2038 9897 106000079077 Bic: Cahmesmmxxx
Concept: Save lives
• Adopt
• You could sponsor:
• Become a member:
• For €1 a month: