Antonia representa la magia de recuperar a un perro necesitado

Antonia representa la magia de recuperar a un perro necesitado

Os acordáis de Antonia? Una perrita de agua que llegó en octubre completamente desnutrida y su piel tan infectada que tuvimos que retirar parte de su piel. Pues es la misma que la de la foto!! Casi nos ha costado reconocerla, está tan guapa y radiante que no parecía la misma. Es parte de la magia de recuperar un animal completamente olvidado por la sociedad. Queremos dar las gracias a sus adoptantes, Nils Brümmer y Martina Brümmer por darles una nueva oportunidad y cuidarla tanto que nos cueste reconocerla.

Si quieres ayudarnos económicamente:
Iban Es52 2038 9897 106000079077 Bic: Cahmesmmxxx
Concepto: FBM
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Antonia represents the magic of recovering a dog in need

Do you remember Antonia? A dog that arrived in October completely malnourished and her skin so infected that we had to remove part of it. Well, it’s the same as the one in the picture! It has been very difficult to recognize her, she is so beautiful and radiant that she didn’t look the same. It is part of the magic of recovering an dog forgotten by society. We want to thank her adopters, Nils Brümmer and Martina Brümmer for giving her a new opportunity and taking care of her so much that it was hard to recognize her.

If you want to help us financially:
Iban Es52 2038 9897 106000079077 Bic: Cahmesmmxxx
Concept: FBM

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• For €1 a month:


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