Atún recupera la normalidad

Atún recupera la normalidad

Este caballero se llama Atún y llegó a FBM hace un mes pero durante este tiempo ha cambiado tanto que apenas parece el mismo. La infección por Leishmaniosis le afectó la piel llegando a perder todo su pelo y parte de las orejas. Hemos podido controlar la infección y podemos ver una piel más sana, sin descamación, con más pelo y las heridas producidas por la vasculitis han desaparecido. Es un perro buenísimo que ha visto la muerte de cerca y agradece nuestra ayuda con mucho cariño.

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Iban Es52 2038 9897 106000079077 Bic: Cahmesmmxxx
Concepto: Salva una vida
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Atún gets better

This gentleman is called Atún and he came to FBM a month ago but during this time he has changed so much that he hardly seems the same. The Leishmaniosis infection affected his skin, losing hair and part of his ears. We have been able to control the infection and we can see healthier skin, without flaking, with more hair and the wounds produced by the vasculitis have disappeared. It is a very good dog that has seen death up close and thanks us for our help with great affection.

You could also help us
If you want to help us financially:
Iban Es52 2038 9897 106000079077 Bic: Cahmesmmxxx
Concept: Save a life

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