Querido Ulrich,
No sabemos ni que decir…No nos salen las palabras…Quizas porque nunca imaginamos que tendriamos que escribirlas…
Hoy todo el equipo de FBM esta de luto.
Nos has dejado vacios.
Te has ido de repente y aun nos cuesta asumirlo.
Eras un ser especial. Y peculiar tambien, porque bajo esa apariencia de hombre duro, escondias un alma noble y un corazon enorme.
Un corazon enorme con un amor inmenso por los animales.
Por nuestros perros, recorrias kilometros y kilometros para recoger donaciones.
Por ellos, venias a Fbm siempre que podias a coloborar como voluntario.
Por ellos, cargabas camiones repletos de donaciones,
Y asi de repente, mientras cargabas el ultimo camion lleno de donaciones para nuestros perros, ocurrio sin mas.
Nada hemos deseado mas estos dias que tu recuperacion…Pero habia llegado tu hora…
Ya no volveremos a verte…
Gracias de corazon por tu dedicacion y entrega por el bienestar de nuestros perros.
Gracias por haber compartido tantos momentos con nosotros,
Por tu ayuda,
Por tu corazon enorme.
Eternamente agradecidos contigo ❤
Buen viaje amigo, alli donde estes, cuida de nosotros.
Aqui te recordaremos siempre 🖤
Dear Ulrich,
We don’t even know what to say … We don’t get the words … Maybe because we never imagined that we would have to write them …
Today the entire FBM team is in mourning.
You have left us empty.
You have suddenly left and it is still difficult for us to assume it.
You were a special being. And peculiar too, because under that tough man’s appearance, you hid a noble soul and a huge heart.
A huge heart with an immense love for animals.
For our dogs, you travel miles and miles to collect donations.
For them, you came to Fbm whenever you could to collaborate as a volunteer.
For them, you loaded trucks full of donations,
And just like that, while you were loading the last truck full of donations for our dogs, it just happened.
We have wanted nothing more these days than your recovery … But your time had come …
We will not see you again …
Thank you from the heart for your dedication and dedication for the welfare of our dogs.
Thank you for having shared so many moments with us,
For your help,
For your huge heart.
Eternally grateful to you ❤
Have a good trip friend, wherever you are, take care of us.
Here we will always remember you 🖤

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