Buen viaje chicos!!
Un viernes de lo mas tranquilo y poco habitual tuvimos ayer. Con este calor apretando y en pleno periodo de vacaciones, los viajes empiezan a reducirse, y ayer solo nos despedimos de 3 de nuestros protegidos, pero no por ello, menos importantes. Los afortunados fueron Indalo, Rayo y Cosmos, 3 preciosos galgos que pusieron rumbo a Bélgica, ésta vez, gracias a Galgo Save Belgium que ha encontrado familia para ellos, y donde ya les esperan con los brazos abiertos!
Estamos deseando verlos como auténticos reyes del sofá, mimados, y sobre todo, felices.
Llegó vuestra hora pequeños!
Buen viaje a la felicidad!!
Good trip guys !!
A very quiet and unusual Friday we had yesterday. With this pressing heat and in the middle of the vacation period, trips are beginning to decrease, and yesterday we only said goodbye to 3 of our proteges, but not for that, less important. The lucky ones were Indalo, Rayo and Cosmos, 3 beautiful greyhounds who headed to Belgium, this time, thanks to Galgo Save Belgium who has found a family for them, and where they are already waiting for them with open arms!
We are looking forward to seeing them as true kings of the sofa, pampered, and above all, happy.
Your time has come!
Have a good trip to happiness !!