Llegó el dia! Los cachorros de Helix han crecido sanos y felices, y ha llegado el momento de buscar una familia para ellos. Son un poco diablillos, pero os aseguramos tambien que son más que adorables🥰 Nos hemos reido hoy muchisimo con ellos durante la sesion de fotos, donde no han parado de corretear, de saltar, de pegar brincos, de mordernos los cordones de los zapatos… Han crecido lejos del maltrato, y eso se nota: estan felices y llenos de vida!! Hoy, os los presentamos individualmente, y desde este mismo momento se abren las solicitudes para su adopcion.
Recordad que debeis enviar el siguiente formulario de adopcion ⬇️
• COMPARTE y ayudales a encontrar familia! ☺️
Came the day! Helix’s puppies have grown up healthy and happy, and the time has come to find a family for them. They are a bit imp, but we also assure you that they are more than adorable 🥰 We laughed a lot with them today during the photo session, where they have not stopped running, jumping, jumping, biting our shoelaces… They have grown up far from abuse, and it shows: they are happy and full of life! Today, we present them individually, and from this moment the applications for their adoption are opened.
Remember that you must send the following adoption form ⬇️
• SHARE and help them find family! ☺️

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