Se va acercando febrero, fin de la temporada de caza. Y no es casualidad que no dejen de llegar galgos y podencos en mal estado. En las ultimas semanas hemos recogido a varios podencos, y Sun es la tercera podenca que nos llega con una fractura. Ella tiene fractura de cadera. Pero está tan delgadita que no la podemos someter por el momento a un cirugía ya que supondría un riesgo para su salud. Nuestro traumatólogo cree que con reposo puede mejorar mucho, pero ella es un bichillo inquieto, y a pesar de que debido al dolor era un poco gruñona, ya nos ha enamorado a todos! Le encanta estar rodeada de sus compañeros de hospital, y poco a poco está aprendiendo que también hay personas buenas capaces de brindarle mucho amor…
¿Nos ayudas a poder seguir salvando vidas?
• Apadrinar a Sun :
• Hacerte socio:
• Donar la cantidad que tu quieras:
• Unirte a nuestro teaming por tan solo 1€ AL MES:
• COMPARTIR la historia de Sun y la miles de galgos y podencos en este pais…
Surgery, care and pampering for Sun
February is approaching, the end of the hunting season. And it is no coincidence that greyhounds and hounds in bad condition do not stop arriving. In the last few weeks we have collected several hounds, and Sun is the third hound that comes to us with a fracture. She has a hip fracture. But she is so thin that we cannot undergo surgery at the moment as it would pose a risk to her health. Our traumatologist believes that with rest she can improve a lot, but she is a restless girl, and despite the fact that due to the pain she was a little grumpy, she has already made us all fall in love! She loves being surrounded by her hospital colleagues, and little by little she is learning that there are also good people who can give her a lot of love …
Can you help us to continue saving lives?
You can:
• Sponsor Sun:
• Become a member:
• Donate the amount you want:
• Join our teaming for only € 1 PER MONTH:
• SHARE the history of Sun and the thousands of greyhounds and podencos in this country …