Clavelina 😍

Clavelina 😍
La tercera protagonista de los ositos amorosos es Clavelina. Hembra de dos meses y medio, algo tímida al principio, pero en cuanto se le da un poco de espacio y tiempo, no duda en venir hacia ti y conquistarte con esa carita de no haber roto nunca un plato 🥰 Todo un amor de perrita, dulce y super buena. De las mas tranquilas de todos sus hermanos. Busca familia y ha decidido posar y poner su mejor carita para que os enamoréis de ella y alguien le de una oportunidad.
¿Se la darás tu ?
Y si no, ¿Nos ayudaras a difundirla para buscarle familia?
🇬🇧 Clavelina 😍
The third protagonist of the loving bears is Clavelina. Two and a half month old female puppy, somewhat shy at first, but as soon as she is given a little space and time, she does not hesitate to come to you and conquer you with that little face of never having broken a glass🥰 All a love of a dog, sweet and super good. Of the calmest of all his brothers. She is looking for family and has decided to pose and put her best face so that you will fall in love with her and someone will give her a chance.
Will you give it to her?
• Adopt: https: //
And if not, will you help us spread it to find a family for her?

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