Dinai comienza una nueva vida
La noticia del rescate de Dinai de un río ha tocado la sensibilidad de todos nosotros y muchos nos preguntan sobre su estado de salud. Hemos operado su pata para recuperar la tibia y el peroné y se recupera favorablemente. Sus padrinos además le mandan regalitos para que comience a disfrutar una vida que se perfila llena de esperanza y amor. ¡Gracias a todos!
Si quieres ayudarnos económicamente:
Iban Es52 2038 9897 106000079077 Bic: Cahmesmmxxx
Concepto: Dinai
Paypal www.paypal.me/Fundacionbm
• Adopta: https://fundacionbm.com/adopta/
• apadrina: https://fundacionbm.com/hazte-padrino/
• Hazte socio: https://fundacionbm.com/hazte-socio/
• Por Tan Solo 1 € AL MES: https://www.teaming.net/fundacionbenjaminmehnert?lang=es_ES
Dinai starts a new life
The news of Dinai’s rescue from a river has touched the sensitivity of all of us and many of you ask us about his state of health. We have operated his leg to recover the tibia and fibula and he is recovering favorably. His godfathers also send him gifts to start enjoying a life that is full of love and hope. Thank you all!
*Some of the images could damage your sensitivity
If you want to help us financially:
Iban Es52 2038 9897 106000079077 Bic: Cahmesmmxxx
Concept: Dinai
Paypal paypal.me/Fundacionbm
• Adopt: https://fundacionbm.com/adopta/
• You could sponsor: https://fundacionbm.com/en/hazte-padrino/
• Become a member: https://fundacionbm.com/en/hazte-socio/
• For €1 a month: https://www.teaming.net/fundacionbenjaminmehnert?lang=en_UK