Durante las navidades seguimos abandonando perros
Podríamos pensar que durante las navidades nos ablanda el corazón, pero no es así, tristemente seguimos abandonando a nuestros animales. Tina y Madonna acaban de llegar a FBM después de ser descartadas como candidatas para criar durante toda su vida. Quizás sea una buena noticia, pero lo triste es que seguimos tratando mal a los animales. Recuerda, comprar no es una opción. Adopta https://fundacionbm.com/adopta/
• Si quieres ayudarnos económicamente:
Iban Es52 2038 9897 106000079077 Bic: Cahmesmmxxx
Concepto: FBM
Paypal www.paypal.me/Fundacionbm
• apadrina: https://fundacionbm.com/hazte-padrino/
• Hazte socio: https://fundacionbm.com/hazte-socio/
• Por Tan Solo 1 € AL MES: https://www.teaming.net/fundacionbenjaminmehnert?lang=es_ES
During Christmas we continue abandoning dogs
We might think that Christmas softens our hearts, but it is not so, sadly we continue abandoning our animals. Tina and Madonna have just arrived at FBM after being discarded as candidates to breed throughout their lives. It may be good news, but the sad thing is that we continue to treat animals badly. Remember, buying is not an option. Adopt https://fundacionbm.com/adopta/
• You could also help us
If you want to help us financially:
Iban Es52 2038 9897 106000079077 Bic: Cahmesmmxxx
Concept: FBM
Paypal paypal.me/Fundacionbm
• You could sponsor: https://fundacionbm.com/en/hazte-padrino/
• Become a member: https://fundacionbm.com/en/hazte-socio/
• For €1 a month: https://www.teaming.net/fundacionbenjaminmehnert?lang=en_UK