El cambio de Lucho

El cambio de Lucho 😍
Su carita y su mirada lo dicen todo. Lucho se ha recuperado por completo, y más importante aún , está feliz!! Ha venido a recibirnos muy contento, se ha puesto a corretear de un lado a otro, iba y venía hacia nosotros, le acariciabamos y volvía a correr feliz… Lo que hemos vivido con el está mañana ha sido un momento que quedará para siempre en nuestra memoria. Esto es lo que más feliz nos hace, recuperarlos y verlos felices.
Ya tiene pelo por todo su cuerpo, y sus patas 100% curadas. Ya no quedan heridas en su cuerpo, ni cicatrices en su alma. Le hemos devuelto a la vida, y esa es nuestra mayor recompensa.
Tu también puedes formar parte del cambio. Colabora con nosotros ,
🇬🇧 Lucho’s change 😍
His face and his gaze say it all. Lucho has made a full recovery, and more importantly, he is happy !! He has come to receive us very happy, he has started running from one place to another, he came and went towards us, we caressed him and he ran happily again … What we have lived with him this morning has been a moment that will remain forever in our memory. This is what makes us the happiest, get them back and see them happy.
He already has hair all over his body, and his legs are 100% healed. There are no wounds left on his body, no scars on his soul. We have brought him back to life, and that is our greatest reward.
You too can be part of the change.
Collaborates with us,

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