El osito Telmo
Os presentamos al primero de los peques de Felicia.
Se llama Telmo y es un osito precioso y adorable. Tiene unos ojos preciosos, y bien podría ser modelo perruno, o de catálogo de peluches!! Mirad que carita!!
Esta listo para encontrar a una familia que le de todo el amor que necesita, y necesitamos mucha difusión para que su carita bonita llegue a la máxima gente posible y entre ellos a su futuro adoptante.
¿Nos ayudas a difundirlo?
O si bien te gustaría darle una oportunidad, no dudes en rellenar y enviarnos el formulario de adopción
• Adopta:https://fundacionbm.com/adopta/
Telmo the little bear
We present to you the first of Felicia’s little ones.
His name is Telmo and he is a beautiful and adorable bear. He has beautiful eyes, and could well be a dog model, or from a stuffed animal catalog !! Look at that face !!
He is ready to find a family that gives him all the love he needs, and we need a lot of diffusion so that his pretty face reaches as many people as possible and among them his future adopter.
Can you help us to spread his lovely face?
• SHARE !!
Or if you would like to give it a try, do not hesitate to fill out and send us the adoption form
• Adopt: https://fundacionbm.com/adopta/