Jalisco is afraid of people, they are not good for him, because during his life he has received nothing good from them, except pain and fear.

Contact hurts and when you go to touch him he hides among his companions as if he could blend in like a shadow in order to go unnoticed.

And from that corner he watches until you leave his cage and little by little he leaves his place of security to sniff around the last place where you were sitting.

His curiosity is a great friend, a sincere one. But so is fear, the worst of its advisors…

Jalisco needs a family to look through his fear and look for the little light that will illuminate his path, a family that will accompany him in his new life, giving him space, understanding and affection.

It is not a difficult case, but it does require a commitment to put all its broken pieces back together so that we can once again see the reflection it once was.

Because Jalisco, in spite of everything, just wants to be loved and to know how to be loved.

•Adopt Jalisco : *To adopt from a Country other than Spain, consult the collaborating associations that make adoptions abroad possible.

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