Rolex, a special greyhound… .

We are faithful believers that there are still good people. That people still adopt from the heart, and that illness is not a barrier to this….

That’s why we are going to try with Rolex, one of the most special greyhounds we have.

Rolex arrived with a lot of fear a long time ago. However, it was a very recoverable fear, and he just needed a positive approach to relax and let go.

But the stress of the shelter took its toll and it came in the form of epilepsy.

Since then he has been with us in our hospital, and the continuous approach to the veterinary team and other staff has finally made Rolex trust people and he is even a really affectionate greyhound.

Two sides. The good and the less good, but it seems that the less good always prevails over the good.

Those who have ever asked about him only see his illness, and the anxiety caused by being locked up or alone (usually only for security reasons) and do not see beyond a dog who jumps on you when he sees you coming, who loves contact, caresses and even looks for your hands to receive them. He is a good dog, who gets on well with other dogs, and who only needs check-ups for his illness every 3 months and a calm environment, as with the right medication and control it is unlikely that he will have a crisis.

He spends the day crying alone in his cage or trying to escape, but everything changes completely as soon as he feels accompanied.

He needs a family, tranquillity and lots and lots of love. 🥰

Tell us that we are not wrong. That there are still good people who adopt with their hearts and that Rolex is not going to stay here alone because of his illness…

•Adopt Rolex : *To adopt from a Country other than Spain, consult the collaborating associations that make adoptions abroad possible.

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