We are lucky to have our dear friend Jean Claude on FBM. Twice a year he travels from Belgium to work as a volunteer in our facilities: cleaning, walking the dogs, bathing dogs, etc. He is staying in the accommodation that we have within our facilities. If you want to work as a volunteer and stay at our hostel you can write to us at rocio.vet@fundacionbm.com. We will be happy to welcome you and show you what kind of jobs we need. Thank you very much!
Donations: https://fundacionbm.com/en/donaciones-2/
• Adopt: https://fundacionbm.com/en/adopt/
• You could sponsor: https://fundacionbm.com/en/hazte-padrino-2/
• For €1 a month: https://www.teaming.net/fundacionbenjaminmehnert?lang=en_UK