Esta mañana nos ha dejado nuestro querido Sandro, que no ha podido superar su dolencia.

Esta mañana nos ha dejado nuestro querido Sandro, que no ha podido superar su dolencia. Durante estas semanas que ha permanecido en nuestro hospital hemos intentado todo lo posible por salvarlo pero a veces, aunque lo deseemos, tristemente no podemos salvarlos a todos. Esta lucha contra la muerte nos deja devastados al ver marchar a Sandro. Se ha ido sin dolor y con personas que le han dado el cariño que sus dueños al abandonarlo le negaron. Vuela alto Sandro, te queremos.

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This morning our dear Sandro, who has not been able to overcome his ailment, left us. During these weeks that he has stayed in our hospital we have tried everything possible to save him but sometimes, even if we want to, sadly we cannot save them. This fight against death leaves us devastated when we see Sandro go. He has left without pain and with people who have given him the love that his owners denied him when they abandoned him. Fly high Sandro, we love you.

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