Esta semana tampoco nos quedamos en casa y volvemos a viajar a Bélgica, Holanda y Alemania donde nuestros perros han sido adoptados. Esta vez agradecemos a las asociaciones de Galgo Save Belgium, Stichting Greyhounds In Nood Nederland y Hundehilfe über Grenzenpor su incansable energía y su propósito de encontrar familias adoptivas apropiadas para nuestros protegidos. Dar la enhorabuena a las familias adoptantes y sobre todo agradecerles que hayan optado por la adopción frente a la compra. Gracias a todos!!
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This week we are travelling again to Belgium, Holland and Germany where our dogs have been adopted. This time we would like to thank the associations of Galgo Save Belgium, Stichting Greyhounds In Nood Nederland and Hundehilfe über Grenzen for their tireless energy and their determination to find suitable adoptive families for our protégés. We would like to congratulate the adopting families and, above all, to thank them for choosing the adoption over buying a dog. Thank you very much!!
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• For €1 a month: