Este perro tan guapo es Amigo, un galgo que llegó a FBM en enero y acaba de marcharse junto a su nueva familia que se ha desplazado desde Almería para llevarlo consigo. Por las fotos que nos envía su familia sabemos que tiene una vida muy activa, que nunca se separan y está presente en todas las salidas familiares y que nos encantaría estar con él en Almería! Adoptar a un perro abandonado es ofrecerle la oportunidad de olvidar el desprecio y rechazo de sus anteriores dueños. ¿Te gustaría adoptar un perro abandonado?
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• Por Tan Solo 1 € AL MES:
This handsome dog is Amigo, a galgo that arrived to the FBM in January and has just left with his new family who has come all the way from Almería to take him with them. From the photos that his family sends us we know that he has a very active life, that they never separate and is present in all family outings and that we would love to be with him in Almería! To adopt an abandoned dog is to offer it the opportunity to forget the contempt and rejection of its former owners. Would you like to adopt an abandoned dog?
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• For €1 a month: