Bailey Zima Nikita, Lou Yoshi, Barbara Crawford, Sabine Heyer, Le Roy Michelle, Gaby Kessler, Catharina Billstein, Alexandra Böff, Ana Prell, Angelika Schramm, Cony Brand, Michaela Groenke, Peter Bross, Christine Volkert, María Lopez Jimenez, Sandra Martin, Birgitt Käding, The trendy Whippet, Isabel La pera espera.
A todos los que habéis traído mantas, medicinas, pienso, juguetes… Muchos de manera anónima.
Podríamos escribir el nombre de cada uno de vosotros, pero la lista seria interminable…
Infinitas GRACIAS a todos.
Bailey Zima Nikita, Lou Yoshi, Barbara Crawford, Sabine Heyer, Le Roy Michelle, Gaby Kessler, Catharina Billstein, Alexandra Böff, Ana Prell, Angelika Schramm, Cony Brand, Michaela Groenke, Peter Bross, Christine Volkert, María Lopez Jimenez, Sandra Martin, Birgitt Käding, The trendy Whippet, Isabel La pera espera.
To all of you who have brought blankets, medicines, feed, toys … Many anonymously.
We could write the name of each one of you, but the list would be endless …
Infinite THANKS everyone.