Esta siendo un año complicado en muchos sentidos. Necesitamos mas ayuda que nunca, y a pesar de las adversidades, sois muchos los que nos ayudais aportando vuestro pequeño granito de arena. Haceis posible que continuemos con nuestra labor, y formais sin duda parte de esta gran familia, y de la felicidad y el final feliz que brindamos a cada galgo. Gracias a cada una de las personas que nos han ayudado.
Y especialmente gracias a:
Maria, Familia Böhner, Mario, Vanessa, Katja, Martin, Astrid, Stephanie, Berit, Vegrennen EV, Jana y Liliana Auction, Casa Perro-Animal Rescue,Sara Caballeria, Silva, Mabel solidarity dog accessories, Galgos Solidarios, y a los fotografos Maria y Fran.
It is being a difficult year in many ways. We need more help than ever, and despite adversity, there are many of you who help us by contributing your little grain of sand. You make it possible for us to continue with our work, and you are undoubtedly part of this great family, and of the happiness and happy ending that we offer to each greyhound. Thanks to each of the people who have helped us.
And especially thanks to:
Maria, Böhner Family, Mario, Vanessa, Katja, Martin, Astrid, Stephanie, Berit, Vegrennen EV, Jana and Liliana Auction, Casa Perro-Animal Rescue, Sara Caballeria, Silva, Mabel solidarity dog accessories, Galgos Solidarios, and the photographers Maria and Fran.

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