Gracias por estar a nuestro lado
Vuestro apoyo incondicional es uno de los principales motivos por los que hoy seguimos aqui, y por lo que podemos seguir realizando nuestra labor.
A lo largo de todo el año, sois muchos los que decidis colaborar con nosotros de alguna u otra manera, y una de las formas de colaborar que mas ilusion nos hace es recibir cajas con regalos para nuestros peques. Nos hace tremendamente felices llevarles las cositas que les mandais: ponerles camitas nuevas, probarle los abrigos y collares, colocar mantitas nuevas en sus camas, darles las ricas chuces que les enviais…
Y como veis, ademas de colaborar con nosotros, ellos disfrutan de lo lindo!
Aqui teneis el ejemplo con algunos de los regalos de las cajas que nos habeis estado enviando a lo largo del año.
Gracias a todos los que habeis colaborado para hacerlos un poquito mas felices.
No podemos estar mas agradecidos.
Gracias, por seguir dia a dia a nuestro lado.
Thanks for being by our side
Your unconditional support is one of the main reasons why we are still here today, and why we can continue to carry out our work.
Throughout the year, there are many of you who decide to collaborate with us in one way or another, and one of the ways to collaborate that makes us most excited is to receive boxes with gifts for our little ones. It makes us tremendously happy to bring them the things you send them: put new beds for them, try on their coats and necklaces, put new and soft blankets on their beds, give them the delicious snacks that you send them …
And as you can see, in addition to collaborating with us, they really enjoy it!
Here you have the example with some of the gifts from the boxes that some of you have been sending us throughout the year.
Thanks to all of you who have collaborated to make them a little bit happier.
We cannot be more grateful.
Thank you for continuing by our side every day.