«Ver para creer»… No dejamos de sorprendernos…
La hemos llamado Marisela, y a pesar de la horrible herida de su cara no podemos dejar de mirarla…
La miramos y vemos el horror que hay detras.
La historia de maltrato de miles de galgos y podencos que se repite una y otra vez.
No sabemos nada de su pasado. Un taxista la encontró vagando por la calle y la trajo hasta nosotros. Los veterinarios no han sabido determinar aun la causa de la herida, pero una primera suposicion apunta a que pudiera ser debido a una quemadura. Tiene toda la piel muerta y necrosada, y esta tan cerca del ojo que debemos determinar si pudiera tambien haber sufrido daños…
Que horrible…
Ya pasó pequeña. Estás en buenas manos. Ya estás a salvo.
Nuestra situacion es critica. Por favor, ayudanos a seguir salvando vidas,
• Únete a nuestro teaming por tan sólo 1€ al mes. Para ti supone poco, para nosotros supone mucho!:
• Apadrina a Marisela y contribuye con tu cuota a su recuperacion :
«Seeing is believing» … We never stop surprising ourselves …
We have called her Marisela, and despite the horrible wound on her face we cannot stop looking at her …
We look at her and see the horror behind it.
The history of mistreatment of thousands of greyhounds and hounds that is repeated over and over again.
We don’t know anything about his past. A taxi driver found her wandering the street and brought her to us. Veterinarians have not yet been able to determine the cause of the injury, but a first guess suggests that it could be due to a burn. It has all the dead and necrotic skin, and it is so close to the eye that we must determine if it could also have suffered damage …
It already happened little one. You’re in good hands. You are already safe.
Our situation is critical. Please help us to continue saving lives,
• Join our teaming for only € 1 per month. For you it means little, for us it means a lot :
• Sponsor Marisela and contribute to her recovery:

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