Fue encontrado abandonado en la calle y con una fractura en una de sus patitas. Fideo tiene pocas semanas de vida, pero ya ha conocido la cara mas amarga de la vida… Suerte que quien lo encontró no dudo en contactarnos, y nosotros no dudamos en hacernos cargo de el, recuperarlo, y devolverle la vida que todo cachorro deberia vivir y disfrutar. Ayer volvió del traumatólogo donde ya ha sido operado, y ahora nuestro precioso pequeño se recupera con nosotros entre mimos de todos los que hemos caidos rendido a su ternura…
Mirad su carita, y decidnos si aun estando en una situacion critica, podriamos habernos resistido a ayudarle…Imposible.
Todo el amor del mundo para ti pequeño!
¿Nos ayudas a recuperar a Fideo?
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• Apadrina a Fideo desde 12€/mes:
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He was found abandoned in the street and with a fracture in one of his little legs. Fideo is only a few weeks old, but it has already known the most bitter side of life … Luckily that whoever found it did not hesitate to contact us, and we do not hesitate to take care of him, recover him, and give him back the life that every puppy should live and enjoy. Yesterday he returned from the traumatologist where he has already been operated, and now our precious little one is recovering with us among all those who have fallen surrendered to his tenderness …
Look at his face, and tell us if even being in a critical situation, we could have resisted helping him … Impossible.
All the love in the world for you little boy!
Can you help us get Fideo back?
• From €1/ month:
• Sponsor Noodle from € 12 / month:
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