Lamentamos tener que dar esta horrible noticia, pero nuestro querido Corchito acaba de fallecer. Su estado era muy delicado y siendo tan pequeñito no ha podido recuperar su estado óptimo de peso. Nos deja devastados tener que reconocer que a pesar de todos nuestros esfuerzos por salvarlo ha sido imposible retenerlo con nosotros. Es muy triste decirle adiós a esta angelito, no volver a tener sus ojitos alegres dándonos los buenos días cada mañana. Corchito te vamos a echar tremendamente de menos. Te queremos y nunca te olvidaremos.
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We are sorry to give you such a horrible news, but our dear Corchito has just passed away. His condition was very delicate and being so small he was unable to regain his optimal weight status. It leaves us devastated to have to admit that despite all our efforts to save him, it has been impossible to retain him with us. It is very sad to say goodbye to this little angel, not to have his happy eyes again saying good morning to us every morning. Corchito, we are going to miss you tremendously. We love you and we will never forget you.
If you want to help us financially:
Iban Es52 2038 9897 106000079077 Bic: Cahmesmmxxx
Concept: Save a life
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