Hace meses que operamos a Chica de la fractura que tenia en su pata a causa de un cepo. Y ya os dijimos que nos quedaba un largo camino de recuperacion con ella. Nuestro maravilloso equipo veterinario, no solo tenia la ardua tarea de recuperar su pata, sino tambien el de recupear su alma y devolverle la confianza que habia perdido en las personas. Aqui la vemos junto a nuestra compañera Mariana en una sesion de rehabilitacion. Lo bueno de estas sesiones, es que no solo ayudan en la recuperacion de su pata, sino que tambien hacen que Chica vaya recuperando su confianza en nosotros. En sus sesiones, ambas estan solas en un ambiente relajado y sin mayor estres para ella, lo que permite que Chica consiga relajarse y hasta disfrute de sus sesiones de rehabilitacion. Poco a poco le va cambiando la mirada, y casi sin darse cuenta ,tambien poco a poco habremos cambiado su vida.
Es y siempre será nuestro objetivo,
Lo mejor para ellos.
The best for them
For months we operated on Chica for the fracture she had in her leg caused by a stocks. And we already told you that we had a long road to recovery with her. Our wonderful veterinary team not only had the arduous task of recovering his leg, but also of recovering his soul and restoring the trust he had lost in people. Here we see her with our partner Mariana in a rehabilitation session. The good thing about these sessions is that they not only help in the recovery of her leg, but also make Chica regain her confidence in us. In her sessions, both are alone in a relaxed environment and without major stress for her, which allows Chica to relax and even enjoy her rehabilitation sessions. Little by little his gaze changes, and almost without realizing it, also little by little we will have changed his life.
It is and always will be our goal,
The best for them.