Mr & Mrs President

Nacieron, crecieron y cazaron juntos. Y juntos tambien fueron inservibles… Los han desechado como tantos otros, con la «suerte» de que al menos se han preocupado de buscarles un mejor futuro… Obama y Michelle han llegado a nosotros hace pocos dias, y ya se han adaptado perfectamente a su nueva vida con nosotros. Obama es muy sociable y curioso, y Michelle tiene esa misma curiosidad aunque se muestra algo mas tímida.
Hemos pasado un rato con ellos, y os aseguramos que son adorables.
Nada mejor que nuestra «residencia presidencial» para los señores presidentes!
Bienvenidos a vuestra nueva casa (blanca😉)
FBM a vuestro servicio!
Pon un presidente en tu vida,
• COMPARTE para ayudarlos a encontrar familia 🙏🏼
🇬🇧 Mr & Mrs President
They were born, raised and hunted together. And together they were also useless … They have discarded them like so many others, with the «luck» that at least their old owners have worried about finding a better future for them … Obama and Michelle have come to us a few days ago, and they have already perfectly adapted to their new life with us. Obama is very sociable and curious, and Michelle has the same curiosity although she is somewhat more shy.
We have spent some time with them, and we assure you that they are adorable.
Nothing better than our «presidential residence» for the presidents!
Welcome to your new (white😉) home .
FBM at your service!
Put a president in your life,
• SHARE to help them find family 🙏🏼

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