Muchos de vosotros quizas no lo recordeis, pero Oreo fue uno de los casos mas tristes y llamativos que hemos vivido en la Fundacion. LLegó hace dos años con una grave desnutricion y al borde practicamente de la muerte. Y su mirada mas que incluso su estado fisico, tocó la fibra de muchos de nosotros…Era una mirada triste, la de un animal que se habia rendido y esperaba su hora. Pero llegamos nosotros pra devolverlo a la vida. Y despues, llegaron Lara y Joaquin para devolverle la felicidad y una vida digna. Y esta semana, han vuelto a FBM para visitarnos, para colaborar como voluntarios ayudandonos en nuestras tareas diarias, y para mostrarnos lo bien que se encuentra Oreo! Es un niño mimado y consentido, y no hemos podido verlo mas feliz! ¿Y nosotros? No podeis imaginar lo felices que hemos sido al volver a reencontrarnos con el!!! Volver a verle ha sido todo un chute de felicidad y un balsamo para nuestra alma
Lara, Joaquin: Gracias por vuestra ayuda aqui con nosotros, pero sobretodo GRACIAS por darle la vida que tanto se merecia! Esperamos volver a veros muy pronto!
Many of you may not remember it, but Oreo was one of the saddest and most striking cases that we have experienced at the Foundation. He arrived two years ago with severe malnutrition and on the verge of death. And his gaze, more than even his physical state, touched a chord with many of us … It was a sad gaze, that of an animal that had given up and awaited its time. But we came to bring it back to life. And later, Lara and Joaquin arrived to restore happiness and a dignified life. And this week, they have returned to FBM to visit us, to collaborate as volunteers helping us in our daily tasks, and to show us how well Oreo is doing! He is a spoiled and spoiled child, and we could not see him happier! And we? You cannot imagine how happy we have been to meet him again !!! Seeing him again has been a real shot of happiness and a balm for our soul
Lara, Joaquin: Thank you for your help here with us, but above all THANK YOU for giving him the life he deserved so much! We hope to see you soon!