Queremos contarte que Violeta, la bodeguero que acogimos hace una semana con fractura de húmero, se recupera correctamente de la intervención quirúrgica donde corregimos su fractura. Violeta es un encanto de perra además de una excelente paciente, nunca se queja y mira paciente desde su cama a ser atendida. Es muy sociable con todos sus compañeros de hospital y en cuanto se recupere completamente podrá ser adoptada. Nos encantaría que le dieras un hogar donde pueda tener una vida plena y llena de amor. ¿Te gustaría adoptar a Violeta?
Violeta: https://fundacionbm.com/adopta/
We want to inform you that Violeta, the bodeguero we welcomed a week ago with a humerus fracture, is recovering correctly from the surgical intervention where we corrected her fracture. Violeta is a charm female dog as well as an excellent patient, she never complains and looks patiently from her bed to be attended. She is very sociable with all her hospital colleagues and as soon as she fully recovers she could be adopted. We would love for you to give her a home where she can have a full and loving life. Would you like to adopt Violeta?
Violeta: https://fundacionbm.com/adopta/