Reintervenimos la rodilla de galán y la cadera opuesta

Reintervenimos la rodilla de galán y la cadera opuesta
Durante estos días hemos tenido que reintervenir la rodilla de nuestro perrete Galán ya que la primera cirugía no había funcionado. Además hemos operado la cadera contraria ya que era necesario para que pudiera comenzar a levantarse ya que ha estado postrado durante meses. Para su recuperación vamos a utilizar un carrito que nuestro compañero Andrés, que en paz descanse, le construyó a Lauren ya que necesita comenzar a mover la cadera, siempre y cuando cuidemos su rodilla. Sabemos que son cirugías complejas pero necesitamos que Galán esté fuerte para afrontar estas cirugías. ¿Te gustaría ayudarnos?

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Concepto: Salva una vida

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We reoperate Galán´s knee and the opposite hip
During these days we have had to re-intervene the knee of our dog Galán as the first surgery had not worked out. In addition we have operated the opposite hip since it was necessary so that Galán could start to stand up since it has been prostrated for months. For his recovery we are going to use a cart that our colleague Andrés, who rests in peace, built for Lauren since he needs to start moving his hip, as long as we take care of his knee. We know that they are complex surgeries but we need Galán to be strong to face these surgeries. Would you like to help us?

You could also help us
If you want to help us financially:
Iban Es52 2038 9897 106000079077 Bic: Cahmesmmxxx
Concept: Save a life

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