Seguimos trabajando con Galán

Seguimos trabajando con Galán para recuperar movilidad y aunque aún le queda bastante por recorrer hasta conseguir autonomía hemos visto un poco de adelanto con respecto a las semanas pasadas. Va ganando musculatura en sus patas aunque su rodilla sigue estando muy débil, inflamada y le resta el impulso para comenzar a moverse por sí mismo. Hasta el momento no se movía de su cama y ahora lo vemos hacer intentos por levantarse para ir al patio con el resto de perros. Seguimos trabajando para que Galán lo consiga. Nos ayudas?

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Iban Es52 2038 9897 106000079077 Bic: Cahmesmmxxx
Concepto: Salva una vida

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We continue working with Galán to regain mobility and although he still has a long way to go to achieve autonomy, we have seen a bit of a progress compared to past weeks. He is gaining muscle in his legs although his knee is still very weak, swollen and takes away the drive to start moving on his own. Until now he did not move from his bed and now we see him make attempts to get up to go to the patio with the other dogs. We are working for Galán to win this battle. Would you like help us?

If you want to help us financially:
Iban Es52 2038 9897 106000079077 Bic: Cahmesmmxxx
Concept: Save a life

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• For €1 a month: 

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