Si habéis criado a un cachorro de perro sabréis que pueden llegar a ser muy trastos… pues ser un trasto ha llevado a Eros a romperse una patita. Eros vivía en una casa de acogida y su felicidad y energía de cachorro lo impulsó a saltar más de la cuenta. Ha sido una fractura limpia de tibia y no necesita cirugía aunque tendrá que mantener inmovilizada su pata al menos 3 semanas y su juventud y salud hará el resto. Por el momento parece que ha aprendido la lección y está super tranquilo en FBM, esperamos que tenga paciencia y pueda controlar sus impulsos danzarines.
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If you have raised a puppy dog you will know that they can be very energetic … and being an energetic puppy has led Eros to break a leg. Eros lived in a foster home and his happiness and puppy energy drove him to jump more than necessary. It has been a clean fracture of the tibia and does not need surgery although he will have to keep his leg immobilized for at least 3 weeks and his youth and health will do the rest. At the moment it seems that Eros has learned his lesson and he is behaving on FBM, we hope he has patience and can control his dancing impulses.
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