Te presentamos a Eloise que acaba de ser recogida en la provincia de Huelva por un grupo de rescatistas. Su caso es muy particular ya que la perrita tiene un serio problema de mastitis debido a que ha sido madre, pero no ha podido dar de mamar. Sus rescatadores buscaron durante 3 día sus crías, pero Eloise no hacía por buscarlos por lo que nos tememos que sus cachorros murieron hace algún tiempo. Ahora es momento de curar la infección tan grave de las mamas para poder recuperarla física y mentalmente. Nos ayudas con Eloise?
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Iban Es52 2038 9897 106000079077 Bic: Cahmesmmxxx
Concepto: Salva una vida
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We introduce you to Eloise who has just been rescue in the province of Huelva by a group of rescuers. Her case is very particular since Eloise has a serious mastitis problem because she has been a mother, but has not been able to breastfeed. Her rescuers searched for 3 days for their puppies, but Eloise was not looking for them, so we fear that her cubs died some time ago. Now is the time to cure the serious breasts´infection in order to recover her physically and mentally. Can you help us with Eloise?
If you want to help us financially:
Iban Es52 2038 9897 106000079077 Bic: Cahmesmmxxx
Concept: Save a life
Paypal paypal.me/Fundacionbm
• Adopt https://fundacionbm.com/adopta/
• You could sponsor: https://fundacionbm.com/en/hazte-padrino/
• Become a member: https://fundacionbm.com/en/hazte-socio/
• For €1 a month: https://www.teaming.net/fundacionbenjaminmehnert?lang=en_UK