Trufa se recupera tras su operación

La pequeña Trufa ya ha sido operada de la fractura de su patita. Por recomendación médica debe guardar reposo estricto, y no sabéis lo poco que le gusta! Se pone nerviosita cada vez que vamos a verla con solo acercarnos un poco a su jaula. Quiere jugar y como no le dejamos, nos pone carita de enfadada ¿No es para comérsela? Para tenerla aun mas vigilada, una de nuestras compañeras se la ha llevado a casa y por el momento parece que se está portando muy bien.
Trufa manda un saludo especial a Nicole Hillmann, Diana Müller y a todos los que habéis donado para su cirugía y su recuperación! Ahora pequeña Trufa, debes seguir descansando…
• Dona:
– Número de cuenta: ES52 2038 9897 106000079077 Bic: Cahmesmmxxx
• Únete a nuestro teaming por tan solo 1€ AL MES:
🇬🇧 Trufa recovers after surgery
The little Trufa has already been operated of her broken leg. By medical recommendation she must keep strict rest, and you do not know how unhappy she are! She gets nervous every time we go to see her just by getting a little closer to her cage. She wants to play and since we don’t let her, she makes us an angry face. Isn’t she adorable? To keep her even more closely guarded, one of our colleagues has taken her home and at the moment it seems that she is behaving very well.
Truffle sends a special greeting to Nicole Hillmann, Diana Müller and everyone who has donated for her surgery and recovery! Now little Truffle, you must keep resting …
• Donations:
– Account number: ES52 2038 9897 106000079077 Bic: Cahmesmmxxx
• Join our teaming for only € 1 PER MONTH:

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