Nuestro peque ya ha sido operado y todo ha salido muy bien!
Los primeros días ha tenido algo de inflamación en la patita, pero poco a poco va mejorando y cada vez está mejor. El chiquitín es la alegría de nuestro hospital. Es alegre y cariñoso, mueve su colita sin parar cuando nos ve, y le encanta recibir mimos!🥰 Tambien es un chico listo, y ya ha aprendido como los demás, cuando es la hora de las chuches, y quién viene con ellas! 😉
No hay nadie que se resista a esa carita con esos ojillos, y a ese mini cuerpo tan pequeñin capaz de enternecer al corazón más duro!
Por el momento, es super bueno y tranquilo, aunque suponemos que su tranquilidad se debe a la lesión de su patita. No sabemos si tras esa cara de no haber roto nunca un plato, sacará el diablillo que lleva dentro cuando esté completamente recuperado…
¿Nos ayudas con los gastos de la cirugia y recuperacion de Canal?
Our little man has already been operated on and everything has gone very well!
The first few days he has had some swelling in his little leg, but little by little he is improving and he is getting better and better. The little man is the joy of our hospital. He is cheerful and affectionate, wags his tail nonstop when he sees us, and loves to be pampered! He is also a smart boy, and has already learned like the others, when it is time for sweets, and who comes with them! 😉
There is no one who can resist that little face with those little eyes, and that tiny little body capable of touching the toughest heart!
At the moment, he is super good and calm, although we assume that his tranquility is due to the injury of his paw. We do not know if after that face of never having broken a plate, he would take out the imp inside him when he is fully recovered …
Can you help us with the costs of Canal surgery and recovery?

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