Omer llega para conquistarnos

Omer llega para conquistarnos
Tiene una cara super adorable, y es que a pesar de sus circunstancias, Omer es todo un amor. Unas chicas lo encontraron en un pueblo de Sevilla con signos aparentes de haber sido atropellado, y lo han traído con nosotros. Tiene una fractura antigua en la escapula, una herida a causa de la fractura, y rotura del ligamento cruzado derecho, de ahí que nuestro pequeño no apoye bien su patita. Es super jovencito, simpático, y muy muy bueno, y no sabe la suerte que ha tenido de venir con nosotros ( y nosotros la suerte de tenerlo a el!) Estamos a la espera de que nuestro traumatólogo nos confirme que posibilidades hay con respecto a su fractura antigua, y con respecto a su rodilla, lo mas probable es que necesite pasar por quirófano…
Por el momento ha pasado buena noche, y parece haberse integrado bien con sus compañeros de hospital. Necesitaremos ayuda para costear su cirugía y todo su tratamiento.
¿Te gustaría ayudar a Omer? Puedes:
• Donar la cantidad que quieras:
• COMPARTIR a este bombón para que encuentre familia cuanto antes 🙏
🇬🇧 Omer arrives to conquer us
He has a super adorable face, and despite his circumstances, Omer is a true love. Some girls found him in a town in Seville with apparent signs of having been run over, and they have brought him with us. He has an old fracture in the scapula, a wound from the fracture, and a ruptured right cruciate ligament, which is why our little one does not support his paw well. He is super young, nice, and very very good, and he does not know how lucky he has been to come with us (and we are lucky to have him!) We are waiting for our traumatologist to confirm us what possibilities there are with respect to your old fracture, and with respect to your knee, you will most likely need to undergo surgery …
He has had a good night so far, and seems to have integrated well with his hospital colleagues. We will need help to pay for your surgery and all of your treatment.
Would you like to help Omer? You may:
• Donate the amount you want:
• SHARE this hottie to find family as soon as possible 🙏

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