Abandonado a las puertas de la perrera…

Este es Perico. Su antiguo dueño lo amarró a la reja de la perrera municipal y sin escrúpulos lo abandonó…
En seguida nos hicimos cargo de él, y no podéis imaginaros la tristeza que hemos sentido al conocerlo. Suponemos que no habrá tenido un pasado fácil. Tiembla de miedo, pero a la vez quiere acercarse y recibir cariño… Le hemos dedicado tiempo, hemos estado sentados en su jaula con él hasta que nos hemos ganado su confianza, y desde entonces no se ha separado de nosotros. Es precioso, y es buenísimo. No se merecía una traición como esa, y por eso le hemos pedido que confíe en nosotros. Todo saldrá bien pequeño, te prometemos que vas a ser muy muy feliz!
• ADOPTA a Perico: https://fundacionbm.com/adopta/
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🇬🇧 Abandoned at the gates of the kennel …
He is Perico. His old owner tied him to the fence of the municipal kennel and unscrupulously abandoned him …
We immediately took care of him, and you cannot imagine the sadness we felt when we met him. We assume that he will not have had an easy past. She trembles with fear, but at the same time she wants to get close and receive affection. We have spent time with him, we have been sitting in his cage until we have earned his trust, and since then he has not separated from us. It’s gorgeous, and very good boy. He didn’t deserve a betrayal like that, and that’s why we have asked him to trust us. Everything will be alright little boy, we promise that you will be very very happy!
Or you can also,
• SHARE and help you find family!

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