Nuestro pequeño no mejora…😢
Sigue sin apetito y sin ganas de nada. Solo duerme y duerme con la cabeza entre sus patitas. Hoy nuestros compañeros le han traido comida casera y esperamos que consiga despertar un poco su apetito. Necesitamos un milagro para que salga adelante…
Aun así, seguiremos luchando por el, no vamos a rendirnos!
Our little boy does not improve … 😢
He still has no appetite and no desire for anything. Just sleep and sleep with his head between his paws. Today our colleagues have brought him home-cooked food and we hope that he will be able to whet his appetite a little. We need a miracle to get it through …
Even so, we will continue fighting for him, we will not give us!

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