No tenemos buenas noticias. Adler no mejora…😢
Sigue sin querer comer. Le hemos llevado paté, pollo, jamon de york y salchichas… Nos emocionamos cuando hace el intento y come un poco, pero en seguida deja de hacerlo y vuelve a meter su cabeza entre sus patitas.
Mirad sus ojos y decidnos que veis en ellos.
Nosotros vemos que Adler se esta apagando poco a poco…
Pero nosotros no nos rendimos. Estamos intentando ganar la batalla.
Le estamos ayudando a comer y a beber, lo estamos acariciando sin descanso, le estamos intentando demostrar que otra vida es posible.
Vamos, pequeño, vamos!
Solo un poco mas, por favor no te rindas…
Todos estamos contigo ❤
We have no good news. Adler does not improve … 😢
Still he doesn’t want to eat. We have brought him pate, chicken, ham and sausages … We get excited when he tries and eats a little, but then he stops doing it and puts again his head back between his paws.
Look at his eyes and tell us what you see in them.
We see that Adler is fading little by little …
But we don’t give up. We are trying to win the battle.
We are helping him to eat and drink, we are caressing him without rest, we are trying to show him that another life is possible.
Come on, little boy, come on!
Just a little bit more, please don’t give up …
We are all with you ❤

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