Nuestro pequeño ha pasado bien sus primeros días. Tiene bastante apetito, y muchas ganas de dormir, y ahora que está tranquilo está aprovechando para descansar todo lo que puede.
Duerme hecho un ovillo, y cuando no está durmiendo, se pasa los días acurrucado en una esquina de su jaula, con la cabeza gacha y su mirada aún triste…
Brad es un poco tímido, pero esperamos que con los días y con su mejoría poco a poco, también veamos en el no sólo un cambio físico ,sino también un cambio en su carácter.
No podemos evitar sentir lástima y ternura a la misma vez por él…
Vamos a hacer lo imposible para conseguir que salga de esa profunda tristeza, y no pararemos hasta ver en el un cambio en su mirada, por una mirada de esperanza.
Has tocado nuestro corazón pequeño, estamos todos contigo, y juntos lo vamos a lograr!
¿Te gustaría ayudar en la recuperación de Brad?
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Our little guy had a good time during his first days. He has quite an appetite, and he really wants to sleep, and now that he is calm he is taking the opportunity to rest as much as he can.
He sleeps curled up, and when he’s not sleeping, he spends his days curled up in the corner of his cage, head down and his gaze is still sad …
Brad is a bit shy, but we hope that with the days and with his improvement little by little, we will also see in him not only a physical change, but also a change in his character.
We can’t help but feel pity and tenderness for him at the same time …
We are going to do the impossible to get him to come out of that deep sadness, and we will not stop until we see in him a change in his look, for a look of hope.
You have touched our heart sweetie, we are all with you, and together we will achieve it!
Would you like to help Brad’s recovery?
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